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East Mebon

An “island temple”, constructed in the middle of the now dry East Baray. 10th-century temple at Angkor, Cambodia. Built during the reign of King Rajendravarman. East Mebon was dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva and honors the parents of the king. The temple was built on a north–south axis.

It includes the full array of Khmer construction materials: sandstone, brick, laterite and stucco. At the top is a central tower on a square platform, surrounded by four smaller towers at the platform's corners. There are for landing stages where one would originally have landed as it was accessed by boat.


The sculpture at East Mebon includes two large standing stone elephants at corners of the first and second tiers. Religious scenes include the god Indra atop his three-headed elephant Airavata, and Shiva on his mount, the sacred bull Nandi.

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